
Let’s work with some more raster data! In this section, you will practice the concepts and code we have learnt in this block. Happy hacking!

Data preparation

We are going to work with some data of Corsica, a region of France. If you want to challenge yourself you can download the data and pre-process it yourself using Earth Explorer.

If not you can download it here. You will need to be signed into your UoL account.

You will then need to download the shapefiles for France. You can use GADM which has made available national and subnational shapefiles for the world.

Task I: Join by attribute

  1. Plot your data and the CRS. Make sure your files are in the same CRS. Usually France uses the projected coordinate system Lambert 93 or EPSG = 2154
  2. Crop and Mask the data
  3. Visualise the elevation using tmap
  4. use geom_spatraster_contour_filled to create a contour map with specific breaks


Working on a time-series representation of the evolution of Nights Lights in a country of your choice. As in the lab, the data can be found here.

Task II:

  1. Process the data and make a map with at least two years of night lights data.
  2. Think about the story the data is telling you.
    • How have night lights evolved over time in your country of choice? Remember this will mean different things for different countries.

    • What choices have you made in terms of bins, colours, zoom level to tell your story?